ARABIS is a science and knowledge based research, development and consult-ing institution. Established in 1970, ARABIS is internationally known for its excel-lence in services, innovative products and patented technologies that have helped its partners and the agricultural and agro-forestry sectors at large all over the tropical regions of the world. ARABIS provides a unique science / technology platform and is geared towards the betterment / advancement of tropical agriculture and agro-forestry.

Our Role ... 

l to offer Technical Advice on various aspects of plantation agriculture and forestry with the aim of improving the profitability of the plantations.

l to provide Research, Technology, and Project / Plantation Management services to client plantations.

l to carry out Research on various tropical crops and plant species so as to be able to contribute to the progress of the agricultural and agro-forestry industries.

l to provide opportunities to plant scientists and professionals (agronomists, foresters, soil scientists etc) to develop and advance knowledge bases and to apply such knowledge and technologies for the benefit of the agricultural and agro-forestry industries.

ARABIS’s Offices, Laboratories and Greenhouses are sited on a 10-hectare Field Experimental Station just outside of Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia. The building complex includes offices, analytical laboratories, quality control laboratories, resource centre, and library with computing facilities. The field experimental station is planted with over 15 species of tropical crops including Oil Palm, Rubber, Cocoa and various other fruit / food crops. We also work with some agro-forestry species such as Acacia mangium, Acacia auriculiformis, Gmelina arborea etc. With our total professional staff strength of over 25, we can provide clients with specialist services from a wide range of disciplines as it relates to the agricultural and agro-forestry sector.

ARABIS services government bodies, private and public sector organizations in various tropical regions / countries such as Malaysia, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Sri Lanka, India, Bangladesh, and some African countries (Cameroon, Ivory Coast etc.). With Operational Offices in Medan in Indonesia, we are well positioned to service oil palm and rubber growers, as well as growers of other crops in this part of the world.

ARABIS also has commercial interests in oil palm and rubber plantations and their associated processing units in Malaysia and PNG - which is managed through an associate company, Agriad Plantation Management.

ARABIS Agri ▪ Research ▪ Advisory ▪ Biotech Services 
Planters Grounds,3½ mile Kajang-Serdang Rd.Kajang,Selangor 43000,Malaysia
Tel : +60 3 8736-8490          Fax : +60 3 8736-8491
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